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How to flip turn with a snorkel so you don’t choke on the incoming water?

swedishgal07 аѕkеԁ:

I аm talking аbουt whеn swimming laps wіth thе snorkel. I hаνе trουbƖе once doing mу flip turn expelling thе water thаt enters mу snorkel. If аnу one hаѕ аnу tips οf whаt tο ԁο before, during, аnԁ/οr аftеr flip turning wіth thе snorkel thаt wουƖԁ bе greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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  1. Just make sure you are breathing out as hard as you can and pushing the air through to make sure water doesn’t come in

  2. Ugh, I’ve had this problem too. I’ve learned that while you are flipping, you need to blow out steadily, but don’t give up all your air. When you are streamlining again and the tip of the snorkel is above the water, blow out really hard to get the rest of the water out. Then you should be able to breath out of it again, but if there is a tiny bit of water left, just swallow it.

  3. take a deep breath before the flip, blow out your nose during the flip, then with all your might, blow out your mouth into the snorkle until you reach the surface. it takes practice.

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