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What are the best masks for snorkeling with nearsightedness?

DG аѕkеԁ:

I wіƖƖ bе nеw аt snorkeling аnԁ hаνе significant vision problems. I know thаt I саnnοt wear glasses іn thе mask, bυt don’t want tο shell out $200 οr more fοr Rx mask. Dοеѕ anyone hаνе less costly suggestions? Thanks!

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  1. You can get snorkling goggles for glasses so check them out first. Then you can wear your glasses.

  2. There is no need to purchase prescription goggles for snorkeling unless you plan on doing a lot of it. When you get to Hawaii, there are rental shops that carry masks with corrective lenses. It helps if you know your correction needs (i.e. +1.0, etc.), but if not, they can look at your glasses and from experience guess pretty close and you can try it on and see how they work for you. Cost is only a couple dollars more than non-corrective lensed goggles. Ads and coupons are usually found in any of the tourist brochures you will find everywhere.

  3. If you are simply nearsighted, Snorkel Bob’s will rent you a mask with corrective lenses as part of the 4X Eyes Ensemble for $44 a week.

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