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How can i prevent my ears hurting when scuba diving?

scuba diving
Kim аѕkеԁ:

Mу boyfriend hаѕ bееn scuba diving fοr a number οf years, аnԁ I’ve recently ԁесіԁеԁ tο ѕtаrt.
Thе problem іѕ, аftеr going down οnƖу tο аbουt 2 meters, thе pressure іn mу ears іѕ really strong аnԁ painful.
I hаνе thе same problem whеn flying, аnԁ hаνе tο υѕе ear plugs whісh relieve pressure. Thеrе іѕ nothing wrοng wіth mу ears, I hаνе bееn tο thе doctors,
Dοеѕ anyone know іf thеrе аrе аnу ear plugs, similar tο thе ones I υѕе fοr flying, thаt relieve pressure іn thе ears? Or сουƖԁ I possibly υѕе mу flying ear plugs tο gο scuba diving?
I саn’t hold mу breath аnԁ mаkе mу ears “pop” thаt’s раrt οf thе problem.

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  1. You have to sort of “pop” you jaw to open up the air canals to your ears inside your head.

    It will equalize the pressure, and your ears won’t hurt anymore.

  2. Equalizing one’s ears can vary widely from person to person.

    Can you equalize your ears right now? You will know they are equalizing when you hear a “crackle” or “squeak” or air escaping your ears.

    If you are having trouble equalizing on the surface, going underwater will only make it more difficult.

    The eustachian tubes connect your respitory system to your ears and is the method in which you equalize your ears. You want to have these free for easy equalizing. The following may help:

    1. Pinch your nose and gently blow against it.

    2. Do not look down when you try to equalize. This just tucks your chin to your chest and puts pressure on the eustachian tubes. Look up when you try to equalize.

    3. Stick your chin out. This will pull the back of your jaw away from the eustachian tubes.

    4. Wiggle your jaw side to side when trying to equalize.

    5. Try a “forced” swallow instead of blowing against a pinched nose.

    6. Lean your head up and to the right when trying to equalize the left ear. Up and to the left for the right ear. This helps stretch out the eustacian tube.

    Some people don’t have issues with ear equalization. Some people like me need to do all or combinations of the above to equalize.

    If at any point your are feeling discomfort in your ears, you have gone too deep without equalizing. Ascend some in the water and equalizing before going back down.

  3. Hold your nose and blow. It will equalize pressure behind ears to the outside pressure.

  4. Stay above the water

    If your body cannot handle the pressure then dont push it, a lot of people have lost there hearing.

    For those unfortunate to push there body to the limit, they say the last thing you will hear is “POP”. ………………………………………..

  5. 1. Stop Scuba Diving.

    2. Regulate.

    3. Before entering the water, have someone drop a weight on your foot. Then enter the water. Your foot should be hurting enough that you forget about the pain in your ears.

    4. Suck it up, you’re breathing underwater, experiencing one of the most amazing things you can on this earth of ours. Stop complaining about your ears, and open your eyes to all that lives and breathes under water.

  6. There are ear “plugs” that keep the ear open, there’s usually an ad for them at the back of many scuba diving magazines. I was thinking of trying out a pair myself next time I go diving.

  7. -I would not use ear plugs : it’s dangerous,especially while diving they can be sucked by the vacuum created between them and the ear drums,deep in the external ear.DO NOT USE THEM.(!) And don’t go using weird “recipes”….
    -At fist you should go to a doctor ,specialized in diving issues,and to check the correct functionality of your internal ear .
    -At “first”,again,you should sign up in a diving course,in which,the instructor will teach you the technicals for equalizing your ears.
    -If you can’t equalize correctly you can risk to break your ear drums in the first few meters underwater,with serious consequences to the ears and the safety of your dive(Yours and of your buddy…).
    -Don’t go chewing anything having a regulator in your mouth.Can be dangerous:
    the gum could enter in the regulator creating failures…Or you could swallow the gum,suffocating,may be.
    Anyway : follow my suggestion and sign up in a diving course.The instructor will be able to explain to you(better) all what I’m telling you.
    Be wise.

  8. Don’t force it because my brother couldn’t pop his ears then he went all teh way down scuba diving with me and his erdrum burst, so don’t go down if you don’t think you can equalise. Try talking to your scuba instructor for help…popping although u said u can’t but keep trying, also swallowing helps.

    hope this helps

  9. If your having trouble equalizing at depth, ascend a few feet or a meter or so, and try again. Somone else posted a bunch of different techniques on how.

    What works for me is a combonation of two: I pinch my nose, and swallow. Works like a charm.

    And – it does get easier the more you dive.

  10. It is important to take care to look after your hearing, I really like taking care hearing and whilst I do agree with the preceding poster and I really hope I do not get shot down for expression this, but I believe it is important to take all things in moderation.

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