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How can you die while scuba diving?

scuba diving
littlemisspoppet аѕkеԁ:

I know іtѕ a wеіrԁ qυеѕtіοn :P
I’m doing a ѕtοrу fοr English аnԁ thеrе іѕ a father thаt dies whilst scuba diving wіth hіѕ daughter. Thеу аrе swimming around a shipwreck frοm thе sixties.
I don’t really know much аbουt scuba diving ѕο I wаѕ јυѕt wondering іf anyone hаѕ аnу іԁеаѕ οf hοw hе сουƖԁ die?

Thanks heaps = D
I’d Ɩіkе a sort οf out thеrе-ish death. Something thаt’s nοt normal bυt griping аnԁ sad.

Recent Articles


  1. A.G.E.- Arterial Gas Embolisms are horrible. The short version is that you lung pops and an air bubble gets in your blood and goes to your brain or heart and bam you are dead. This is why very SCUBA instructor will tell you to never hold your breath will diving, what they don’t tell you is that you are in more danger of this happening in the pool during your class then diving down to 40 feet for your open water dives. How it works is that as you go down to 5? in a pool (at five feet most people can just stand up to get to the surface), you panic and stand up, automatically holding your breath(because that is what you do underwater) and pop your dead.

    DCS- Decompression Sickness aka The Bends is no joke. Basically as you dive your body becomes saturated with nitrogen bubbles(or whatever inert gas you are breathing) when you start to surface those bubble expand. Depending where they expand they can break bones or destroy your brain. Preventing this is as simple as coming up slowly and following the no decompression dive tables. Just to give you an idea of how much this can suck and how varied the damage can be I had two dive instructors at the college of Oceaneering who had had decompression sickness. Once of them had his back broken and one had both of his hips snapped. Sounds fun dosen’t it. If you get bubbles in the wrong place (your brain) it can tear through that soft gray stuff leading to brain death.

    Animal Stings- This one is a personal favorite of mine. It all goes back to not touching the animals. If Steve Irwin taught us anything it is that animals get pissy if you mess with them. So don’t mess with them and you’ll be fine. Also keep in mind that the really poisonous animals are really little. The best ones are rock fish, because they look like a rock and will kill you super fast and you won’t even know what you did.

    Differential Pressure or Delta P- This is my favorite, in fact it by far one of the scariest things I have seen. Basically these happen when the pressure between the water(where you are) and the pipe(or whatever0 is so different that you get sucked in breaking all of your bones and killing you. Typically this isn’t something that a normal diver needs to worry about but it is just so spectacular that it couldn’t be left off the list. There is even a video, though if you like crabs you will be sad. This is a video taken in 6000 feet of water. An undersea robot is sawing a 3mm wide slit (1/10th of an inch … remember that width) in a pipeline. The pressure inside the pipeline is 0 psi, while the pressure outside is 2700 psi, or 1.3 tons per square inch. Then a crab comes along….

  2. run out of air

  3. you shouldn’t be swimming in the cave or caverns when the tides come in…you will drown or get thrown around or tangled up in your gear. you can apply this to the ship wreck.

  4. He could get the bends (bendz? Look it up! :) , which can happen if you surface too quickly and don’t pause every few feet to let your body adjust to the pressure.

    Also, my dad used to be a photographer for National Geographic, and it was dangerous with sharks out there…or if you wanted to be creative, a murderous dolphin (ha-ha, yeah right).

    His oxygen tank could get caught on part of the ship, he could get stuck in a bad part of the ship…Slams his head into corral…

    Hmm…best of luck! Have fun with your story!

  5. There are many different ways of dying while scuba diving…
    One of the most common way to die is if you lose track of your air supply and run out….
    Also, if you have a tainted tank and your air is bad and your lungs harden…..
    Also, One of the many ways new scuba divers die is when they hyperventilate meters under the water and they shot to the top without regulating the pressure system and their lungs expand and explode…
    I have been scuba diving for 3 years so I know what I am talking about if you want it to be realistic….

  6. Tell me you at least thought that he possibly ran out of air? Still, he could have come up too fast without breathing properly, I cant remember what thats called…

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