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How many people die each year while scuba diving, fishing, and bowling?

LostAndFound аѕkеԁ:

It mау seem Ɩіkе a stupid qυеѕtіοn, considering thе bowling раrt οf іt, bυt i’m trying tο prove someone wrοng.

If уου know thе fishing death, саn уου clearify іf іtѕ a сеrtаіn type οf fishing? If уου саn please.

I’ve looked іt up a bunch, аƖƖ i gοt wаѕ ѕοmе probably inaccurate scuba diving averages.

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  1. I don’t have an answer to your question, but I would have a hard time believing that people die bowling or fishing.

    I can see people dying from scuba diving…. problem with the oxygen tank, or surface too soon and get the bends.

    But bowling or fishing? Bowling isn’t something dangerous, I mean you can pull something I guess, but not die. As for fishing, I don’t really think there are any fishing related deaths. I mean, like those NFL players that are missing supposedly went out fishing, but it wasn’t the fishing itself that caused their probable deaths, it was the boat tipping over due to the waves. So technically that would be a boating related death…. though if you want to be technical, I guess you could consider it fishing related, even though it wasnt the fishing part that caused it.

  2. Scuba deaths per year average about 90 worldwide.

    Over 600 people die each year while fishing in the US alone.

    The average number of deaths per year while bowling is 2. The figure does not include deaths due to natural causes while bowling, deaths due to fights while bowling, or deaths due to bowling equipment while not bowling. Bowling doesn’t make you live longer, it only makes it seem longer.

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