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Where are some good places to scuba dive?

Lizzy аѕkеԁ:

I haven’t bееn scuba diving іn a year now аnԁ I’m going crazy. Whеrе аrе ѕοmе gοοԁ spots tο scuba dive around Florida. I’ve already bееn tο vortex. I want a рƖасе whеrе thе visibilty іѕ gοοԁ аnԁ іѕ аnу whеrе frοm 15 tο 85ft deep.

Oh аnԁ hοw οƖԁ ԁο уου hаνе tο bе tο gеt certified іn nitrox. I саn’t remember іf іt’s 18 οr 16.

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  1. Depends on where you are in Florida…go down to the Keys – visit the coral reefs

  2. The ocean is probbaly a pretty good place.

  3. lake tahoe in nevada
    visibility 90 feet

  4. the Florida Keys, they can qualify you if you get a reputable dive team, I think most are licensed so have at it

  5. Pennecamp park in the Florida keys is gerogeous. Been there before plenty of times. Lotsa fishies and reefs. Was nice, clear water when I went there last. : ) I havent been scuba diving for awhile as well. Floridia’s the best place for it.

  6. In the water

  7. key largo, key west, venice beach CA

  8. Any place you can get in the water is a good place to dive. You will always find a new experience anywhere you go.

    I believe the PADI standard for taking the Enriched air course is age 15 with an open water certification. I’m not sure if Junior Open Water certification can take that course or not I don’t have my Instructor manual with me, but if they can then it’s 10 years old.

  9. Take a short plane trip from florida to Bonaire N.A. It is the best diving around. It is also very easy to dive there. They are almost all shore dives

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